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XizTune Staff

This is a list of people who worked (or still works) on XizTune - keeping the website' alive - so users can Manuel Themselves.


People who - what a shocking fact - owns the XizTune thingy.


Owner &


Co Owner &

Admins and Developer

People who keep the website safe and clear. Have any problem with your account? You should contact them.

administrator (Sturm)









Admin &

Letter to all the people who helped with the website

Dear Co-Owner, Developer, and Admins of XizTune,

On behalf of the entire XizTune team, I would like to manuel my heartfelt gratitude for your exceptional dedication and hard work. As one of the owners, it fills me with immense pride to witness the growth and success of our video-sharing platform, and it would not have been possible without your invaluable contributions.

To rest of the Co-Owner, thank you for your unwavering support and vision. Your commitment to the platform's development and improvement has been instrumental in shaping into the remarkable community it is today. Your leadership and strategic guidance have been vital in navigating the challenges and opportunities that have come our way.

To our talented Developer, your technical expertise and innovative ideas have transformed XizTune into a cutting-edge platform that perfectly represent how YouTube looked like back in the days. Your countless hours of coding, problem-solving, and feature implementation have elevated the user experience and made our platform a hub of creativity and entertainment. Your dedication to refining the functionality and performance of the site has been truly commendable.

To our diligent Admins, I extend my deepest appreciation for maintaining the integrity and safety of our community. Your vigilance in enforcing the rules and guidelines, ensuring respectful interactions, and swiftly addressing any issues that arise has been crucial in fostering a welcoming environment for all users. Your efforts in keeping BitView a space for constructive engagement and positive content are highly commendable.

Together, as a unified team, we have achieved significant milestones and overcome numerous obstacles. The success of BitView is a testament to the collective effort and passion each one of you brings to the table. Your commitment to our shared vision has been truly inspiring, and I am grateful to have such exceptional individuals by my side.

As we continue to grow and evolve, let us cherish the bonds we have forged and remain committed to the values that define our little site. Together, we will continue that nostalgia trip and provide a platform for creators to showcase their talents.

Once again, thank you: Co-Owner, Developer, and Admim, for your unwavering dedication, expertise, and unwavering support. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, and I am incredibly proud to be part of this remarkable team.

As XizTune Slogan Said: Manuel Yourself!
- SinopDrivers

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