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Terms of Service - XizTune Mobile

Just don't be a huge idiot. This is a site made for bringing memories.
This is a site aimed towards recreating 2008 YouTube.
XizTune is not associated with Google LLC.

All content found violating the USA's laws and federal regulations will be removed and the account associated with it banned.

All attempts at ban evasion will NOT BE TOLERATED and will end up with a ban from XizTune

Account & Rules

We hold the right to remove your XizTune account at any point—regardless of reasoning. Generally, we will usually ban for the following:

- Pornography, Gore And Sexual, there’s other sites for that, you creep.

- Suggestive videos of underage, or underage in appearance, people.

- Mass account creation, we already dealt with enough of that.

- Purposefully attempting to break the site.

- Copyright infringing material.

- Racism

- Suicide, Harming And Abusing

- Account hacking, there is no point in doing that.

- Raiding / Bot Accounts, (go to vidlii to raid.)


- Video Mins Limit Only Allowed Atleast 5 Mins (Make sure to check your video size format), Any Longer Video will be deleted on xiztune...

Data & GDPR compliance

We hold the right to share any necessary data to law enforcement, should the need arise.
As for GDPR, contact us through discord if you’re demanding data removal. This shouldn’t really matter as the site is small, but just in case.

- SinopDrivers [XizTune Owner]

Last updated: 19.06.2024

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